Bean's story

Border Collie cross Springer Spaniel Bean, recently received a blood transfusion after being diagnosed with IMHA (Immune- Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia).

Rollo's story

Springer Spaniel Rollo, who will be turning two in July, recently received a blood transfusion after being diagnosed with IMTP (Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia).

Bridget's story

Meet Bridget, a 10 year old Shorkie from Wales, who recently needed a transfusion.

Hana's story

Meet 2 year old Cockerpoo Hana, who was recently involved in a horrible accident.

Olly's story

Back on Boxing Day 2020, Jack Russel Olly was very lethargic. His owner Annika thought he had just overdone the Christmas excitement, however, when he didn't improve the next day Annika started to get really worried.

Tilly's story

Meet Tilly, a 10 year old Border Terrier from West Yorkshire. She loves long walks, log fires and chicken. In 2019, she was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease and having responded well to treatment, she was fit and healthy up until recently in August 2021.