Meet ten and a half year old Springer Spaniel Chip.

Chip needed a blood transfusion a couple of years ago after being diagnosed with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. This is a horrible condition where the dog’s dog destroys its own platelets, which can cause spontaneous bleeding and bruising.

Chip needed an emergency blood transfusion, immune suppressants, and high dose steroids to save his life. He recovered well and since then has enjoyed three beach holidays, collected hundreds of plastic bottles (he’s very environmentally conscious), found everyone’s lost tennis balls, and swam in every body of water he’s encountered.

Sadly, Chip has been unwell again recently, but it has been caught early and he is receiving he medication he needs.

Chip’s owner Anita said, ‘We hope another transfusion is not needed and we remain forever thankful of the donor dog, pet parent, and charity who helped to save his life a couple of years ago. We pick up our new puppy soon and have deliberately chosen a larger breed so they can help to save the lives of many other dogs in the future.’

We’re wishing Chip a speedy recovery and hope he is back on his paws soon, ready to welcome his new puppy friend.