BVetMed CertSAM DZooMed(Reptilian) MRCVS | Exotics Advisor

Craig is a specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. He graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 1997 and proceeded to work in mixed-species practice in East Sussex for five years. A subsequent move to Gloucestershire for three years followed, before he settled at Chine House Veterinary Hospital, Leicestershire in 2005. He obtained the RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Medicine in 2000 and the RCVS Certificate in Zoological Medicine in 2002. In 2013, he was awarded the RCVS Diploma in Zoo Medicine, one of only a small number of veterinary surgeons to achieve it in this country. In 2014, he was recognised as a specialist by the RCVS.

Craig provides a personal and high quality first and second opinion service in exotic pet medicine and surgery, where most species of exotic pet are catered for including parrots, raptors, ornamental fowl, reptiles, rabbits, rodents, small mammals, ferrets, primates, amphibians, ornamental fish and invertebrates.

Craig is always willing to share his knowledge and has performed transfusions on many different animal species. He is part of our advisor team for when exotic pets find themselves in need of blood.

Craig is married to Pet Blood Bank UK’s founder Wendy and has been involved in helping the charity since it began in 2007.