We are dedicated to supplying the highest quality blood products, all of which have been donated by our community of donors across the UK. Where possible, and research evidence exists to support it, our practices are evidence-based.
Quality assurance starts with the selection of our donors. As set out by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, and in line with our commitment to welfare, all our donors must meet certain criteria to donate.
In addition to our donor criteria, we ensure quality through the following measures:
- All donors are microchipped or tattooed for traceability
- All donors are blood typed
- Full haematology and biochemistry screening are undertaken annually for every donor
- 1 in 100 donors are selected for infectious disease screening
- 1 in 100 products undergo microbiology screening
- All donors are fully examined on the day of donation and approved to donate by a veterinary surgeon
Our rigorous screening and commitment to welfare enables us to produce products that are safe and of the highest quality. By using only UK based donors, we reduce the risk of any blood borne disease transmission. Any data we generate is used for research to further benefit the UK pet population.
Our quality statement
Pet Blood Bank UK's quality policy is to provide its customers with products which fulfil their specified requirements whilst meeting the needs of our pet owners.
The following principles are applied throughout the organisation:
- Full commitment of all staff to this Quality Policy, allied to meeting all objectives and active involvement in quality improvements.
- Full understanding by all staff of the long-term importance of achieving customer, statutory, and regulatory requirements, and expectations and needs by providing consistently high quality products.
- An appreciation that a consistent quality service can only be achieved by ensuring control at each stage of production with the ultimate aim of achieving 'zero' product defects.
- Management reviews and team meetings are used to review the performance against the agreed objectives to measure the effectiveness and suitability of the Quality Management System and continual improvement.
- This policy shall be reviewed at the Management Quality Review meetings to assess its ongoing suitability.
An organisation wide quality management system is in operation which is designed to comply with the requirements of VMD GMP Volume 04. This statement is held in conjunction with the Pet Blood Bank HR Quality Policy.