We are not currently looking for new host venues. If you are interested in hosting a donation session with us, please read the information on this page and check back in the future for when we are able to accept registrations again. Thank you so much for your support and interest.
Our host venues are vital in helping us to run the blood bank. By providing us with space and facilities, they make it possible for us to collect lifesaving blood across the country.
We are always happy to hear from vet practices, kennels, or dog care centres interested in becoming regular host venues. This means we will visit your venue several times throughout the year to run our donation sessions. As well as space in your venue, we will also ask for your help and support in finding donors in your local area.
We have teams who work with us across the UK to run our donation sessions. Becoming a host venue with us would depend on where you are in the country and what other venues we work with in your area. We aim to work with many different venues so we can reach as many dogs as possible.
Being a host venue means you play a crucial role in ensuring that lifesaving blood is always available for pets. It demonstrates to your clients and community that you are committed to supporting a charity that helps pets. Supporting us can raise the profile of your business in your local area as pet owners from around the region will come along to the donation sessions.
What support do we need from host venues?
There are some key things we require from the venues we work with to enable us to successfully run our donation sessions. These include:
- Two rooms and a waiting area we can use for running the donation session
- 8 hours use of your space for the session
- A commitment from you to hosting donation sessions up to six times per year
- Your help spreading the word and recruiting donors in your local area
- A main contact at your venue to act as our Pet Blood Bank coordinator for your sessions
What’s it like being a host venue for Pet Blood Bank?
To find out what becoming a host venue for Pet Blood Bank is like, have a look at our case study below.
Supporting Pet Blood Bank in other ways
If you have read the information on this page and feel you would prefer to support the charity in other ways, there are plenty of things you can do to get involved.
- Have a look at our veterinary receptionists and practice team support pack to raise awareness in your local area
- Consider doing some fundraising to support our work
- Contact us to request some of our leaflets or a donation tin for your practice