In the unfortunate event that your transfusion recipient experiences an unexpected adverse reaction during or after receiving a Pet Blood Bank blood product, please:

  1. Quarantine the product at the appropriate storage temperature
  2. Call Pet Blood Bank within 24 hours of identifying the issue to inform us of your concern
  3. Complete the potential transfusion reaction form at the bottom of this page and return this along with the below information to

For us to undertake a thorough investigation for any serious reactions, we need you to provide the following:

  • Product name
  • Blood product unit ID number with expiry date
  • Date product was ordered and received, along with acceptance information i.e. how was your product delivered and handled between the courier and storage.
  • Preparation information i.e. was it reheated in a zip lock bag? in a water bath? and at what temperature?
  • Full temperature storage log showing your monitoring of the blood product while stored within your practice
  • Compatibility screening i.e. was the recipient blood typed, was a cross match performed?
  • Transfusion monitoring form showing temperature, pulse, and respiration rate during the transfusion with any comments during this time
  • Pre and post transfusion Hct/PCV
  • Gram stained blood smear made from blood drawn from any remaining blood product – please state time smear prepared in relation to transfusion
  • Used blood product bag sealed in a plastic zip lock bag
  • Recipient sample, preferably 1ml of EDTA and 1ml of separated serum
  • Full clinical history of recipient
Returning products and samples to us

Return the product to Pet Blood Bank using an overnight delivery service.

Blood products and samples must be:

  • Sealed in a plastic zip lock bag, if breached send with administration set attached
  • Returned in controlled temperature packaging. We advise you use the packaging and coolant that we use to deliver blood to you to obtain the most representative results from our analysis

Our delivery address for returns is:

Laboratory Department
Pet Blood Bank UK
Unit 21-22
Loughborough Technology Centre
Epinal Way
LE11 3GE