Tilly's story

Meet Tilly, a 10 year old Border Terrier from West Yorkshire. She loves long walks, log fires and chicken. In 2019, she was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease and having responded well to treatment, she was fit and healthy up until recently in August 2021.

Gradually welcoming you back into donation sessions

Our plans and guidelines for gradually allowing owners back into donation sessions.

We need your help to fundraise for the blood bank!

Our first very own virtual fundraising challenge is here, Around the Coast in 30 Days, running 13 September until 12 October.

Nala's story

Meet 6 month old Labrador puppy, Nala. Nala, usually a lively pup, had suddenly become very lethargic.

Our new mobile app is here!

After years in the making, we are so excited to say that our brand new mobile app for donor owners is now ready.

Feline pancytopenia cases

We are aware of the ongoing and upsetting situation regarding the sudden increase in feline pancytopenia in cats in the UK.