Unfortunately, due to the upcoming change in legislation that will see XL bully type dogs banned in England and Wales from 31 December, Pet Blood Bank is unable to continue seeing these dogs as donors.
At Pet Blood Bank, we believe that breed specific legislation is in no way an assessment of an individual dog. However, as a banned dog, XL bully types will no longer be eligible to donate blood. Banned dogs must wear a muzzle in public, and this includes during the donation process, which can compromise their welfare when donating blood.
At our Scottish donation sessions, we will continue to see repeat XL bully type donors that meet our criteria and assessment. However, we will continue to monitor any updates from the Scottish Government and send out an update if there are any changes to the Scottish legislation in the future. For consistency across the charity, we will no longer accept new donor registrations for XL bully type dogs anywhere in the UK.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our XL bully type donor owners for your fantastic support and compassion in allowing your dog to be a lifesaving blood donor. Whether your dog didn’t manage to donate or donated several times, we are extremely grateful to you for being a part of our community. It is the commitment from people like you that means we can help to save so many lives.
We appreciate this news will be disappointing but, as always, we must put the welfare of our donors at the heart of what we do. There are still many other ways you can continue to support the charity – spreading the word, fundraising, and volunteering are all wonderful ways to keep making a difference.